With our joint project with Healthy Kitchen it is easy to donate hot meals to residents of homeless shelters and to those in need – with just a few clicks. All you have to do is register at egeszsegkonyha.hu and after ordering for yourself, by clicking on the basket you can add to your order one or even more (up to 10) portions for those in need.
Since the start of the project (in November 2019), just in the first month 5,673 servings of food have been ordered by the patrons of Healthy Kitchen, which is an astounding number – nearly 200 servings a day.
The donations are delivered every weekday and Saturday to shelters (Isola Night Shelter, Twist Oliver Foundation Warming Center), that would otherwise be unable to provide for their residents. It is also important to emphasize that these shelters are not only providing for homeless people, but also for residents of municipal flats in their vicinity, who often have to choose between heating their residence or eating. These donations are an tremedously great help to them.
We are grateful to Healthy Kitchen and to everyone who donates!
If you have any questions, contact us at info@bikemaffia.com !