“All for one” – one little act of charity, more than fifty drummers, carnival vibes
We asked everyone to take a coin of 100 forints with them to this event. No, they were not for the admission fee, but for donation – someone in need got all the coins at the end of the party. We asked participants to bring on kind words in addition to the coins, since those often matter just as much as financial support.
We met up at Műegyetem Rakpart, from where we headed out for the “party of hundreds” with drummers in festive spirits. During our walk we were looking for a person who would get all the coins. We ended up on Liberty Bridge where we surprised a fellow human who had to permanently live on the streets. More than a hundred people went up to them with money and kind words. As we have mentioned, it wasn’t all about the money, emotional support was just as important so that we could give someone hope and an opportunity to see the future in a better light.
Watch the video RTL Klub shot at the “Party of hundreds”!
Who helped us to create good vibes? It was the Bateria Girassol, who are the first bateria in Hungary playing samba from Rio de Janeiro. We would like to thank them for joining us with drummers from three neighbouring countries. Drummers from Croatia, Serbia, Austria and Hungary as part of the Bloco Coração! crew helped us to party and make the day nicer for someone in need at the same time.