Besides we need to say thank you for many people, we would like to tell about how many helpful and unselfish promoters we meet nowadays during the crisis situation.

It is unbelievable how jumping power the epidemic has. It is good to see how much we can do together, and how the emergency situation can get out the good will from people.

We could hardly believe, but the news are true! The segítsünkegymá got us together with super supporters for the second time. This time our cargo cycle vehicle park flared with an electric car and a van for the next three months. Big thank you for that to the MVM Group and Hotel Residence Ózon superior team, elbow bump for the coordination to  Önkéntességet és Adományozást Koordináló Akciócsoport. This match would not exist without them.

The Hotel Residence Ózon supported us with money donation too, so we plan to reach out to legging settlements in the summer, and take donations for 3H (highly disadvantaged) families. We are very grateful, as their support make it real. The ones who know Bike Maffia, know too that we are acting mainly in Budapest. But we get several requests from the countryside, from individuals and local governments too. Now we will have the opportunity to reach out for more places.

We have further plans as well. We would like to give something for the social workers too. They are the ones, who are working in the front line from the beginning of the epidemic. Although the epidemic starts to falloff, we can not forget that they are doing a very important work every single day of the year.

The first ride of the van will go to families’ permanent shelter, and children’s home. Universal Children’s Day is coming, and disadvantaged children should get gifts too.

Still, helping the homeless people in Budapest is our main project. The UID Hungary Turkish civil society organization helped us a lot in doing that. They took very seriously that bottled water is very important for the ones who are live on the street. Literally, they flooded us an ocean of mineral water, and 300 packs of instant soup. 

We have a shortage of masks. Even if we had enough, single-use masks are not affordable solution for many people, as its price doubled. The Varrjunk maszkot! national, volunteer community, and the Összefogás-Maszk készítés volunteer sewers got together and worked hard from the beginning of May. 13 homeless shelters got the 1500 washable masks they have already made. Bike Maffia volunteers made the coordination and delivering part.

The Brótpékség is helping us from April, so our volunteers can deliver fresh bread and pastries to 3 shelters. We helped more than 60 families in 4 days a week, and we could take pastries twice a week into warmers too, to ease the mornings.

Who we helped: 

BMSZKI institutions, Public Foundation for the Homeless, SZÉRA Social and Rehabilitation Foundation, Oltalom Charity Society, Kiút Association, Jó Szívvel Foundation, Golgota Homeless Shelter

Finally, we would like to say thank you to Zhao Zhou Tea Kft too. They gave us masks, and they thought of the Maffia team as well, we got nice refreshing teas as surprise. Teas made us more dynamic.

Gearing up against Coronavirus could build bridge between individuals, civil society organizations, companies, and local governments.

Would you help us? VitaminBoom project is still running. If you would like to join our voluteer team, check in here. If you would donate, you can do it here. Thank you!