Big thanks to our Supporters!
There has been critical situations more than once in the last nine years of the history of Bike Maffia that needed immediate reaction and solution.
There is a huge logistical job behind each and every successful action. And we are happy to tell now that our VitaminBoom action, that we started almost one and a half month ago, at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemy, has been an increadibly successful movement.
back to the logistics: if there is a crisis, we need to find out in
the first who is exactly the one that needs help, how we can give the
help that is needed, and who is the one that can support us in an
efficient way.
are lots of institutions where there is possibility for one or two
warm meals a day on weekdays, but not at the weekends. Besides this,
the inhabitants of many of the shelters have lost their jobs due to
restrictions, or cannot even go outside as a consequence of the
lockdowns. Every case needs an individual and a different solution.
We have had live stream reports many times in the last few weeks either about collections or distributions of donations. That you could see on the videos – trunks loaded with donations, full cargo bikes – is the result of countless calls and emails, co-operation with firms, donators and social institutions that has been build up in years, and a result of mutual confidence and a strong desire to do something.
It helps a lot that we can firmly count on the volunteers and supporters of Bike Maffia in this present situation as always.
But this writing is about our Supporters. Huge thanks to both the private and corporate contributors! We could not have achieved all this without you. Thanks for all the help, it is amazing to know that we are not alone!

We have received lots of corporate donations in the form of food, vitamins, sanitary and cleaning items.
Mobilsofa, Scitec Nutrition, Renewtech.coCycle, Szappanos Gábor almatermelő, HungaroControl, GLOVE TRANS, Complexpressz, MITKÓ, Bagaboo, A varrócsapat: Bene Réka, Balogh Tímea, Boros Anikó, Luca; Tóthné Bagó Katalin őstermelő Galgahévíz, Bérczes Nóra, Brót pékség, Három Tarka Macska pékség, Marcsika palacsintázója Tajti Mária-Csert-Szak Kft., Office Depot, Celanese, Decathlon, Drogerie Markt, Makk Kati szappanfőző, Unilever
Many private contributors have supported the needy people with direct remittance via our donation site.
Others helped us with buying vouchers, and we could buy food, vitamins, handkerchiefs and hand desinfectants for almost 1.300.000 HUF in this way. And we are going to spend another one million forints in the next week. For what? Check out our facebook site, we are coming with live stream reports all the time.
We have visited not only homeless shelters with the donations, but many other social institutions as well, like temporary homes for families, homes for the elderly and boarding institutions, the inhabitants of which are mainly older people and/or those with a weak immune system.

And here are those organisations we have co-operated with and that have helped us a lot in our work. Some of the fantastic co-operations that had already existed have become stronger, others have beem established just now. High nudge to them: Vöröskereszt, Age of Hope, Egészségkonyha, Hokedli, Tündérpakk alapítvány!
Those we could help:
Menhely Alapítvány, Oltalom Karitatív Egyesület, BMSZKI számos intézménye, Menedékház Alapítvány, Twist Olivér Alapítvány, Isola éjjeli menedék – Léthatáron Alapítvány, Baptista Szeretetszolgálat REVIP Hajléktalanok Átmeneti Szállója, Hajléktalanokért Közalapítvány, Kiút egyesület, Utcából Lakásba egyesület, Kontúr Egyesület, RÉS szociális és kulturális alapítvány, SZÉRA Szociális és Rehabilitációs alapítvány, Családok Átmeneti Otthona több intézmény, ÖKA Idősek barátai program, Vöröskereszt
The VitaminBoom action is still in act – if you would like to join us as a volunteer, you can apply here, and if you feel like support us, you can do that here. Thank you for helping us!