90 packs of sanitary towels, 26 packs of tampons, 7 packs of cotton wool, 31 boxes of hair dye, 20 tubes of hand lotion, 130 packs of shower gel, 81 packs of shampoo, 16 packs of wet wipes, 14 toothbrushes, 15 bars of soap, 292 toothpaste samples,15 tubes of toothpaste, 7 packs of lip balm, 20 jars of face moisturizer, 15 packs of deodorant, 8 packs of body lotion, 90 packs of pocket tissue, 37 towels, 92 panties, 54 pairs of socks, 83 pairs of pantyhose, 13 bras.
What is this list? Some women’s ad? No! Between 8th and 18th March this year we managed to fill 15 IKEA shopping bags with donations for homeless ladies as part of our “Go Grils!” project. Donations collected through a collaboration between BMSZKI, the biggest social welfare institution, and Budapest Bike Maffia are soon going to be distributed as easter gift. We would like to thank all collection points and volunteers who helped with the project.
If you missed the campaign this time but would like to help, you can make donations to the homeless shelter in Dózsa György út anytime.