
High Five

One of the first projects of the Budapest Bike Maffia has included bike tours to animal shelters. We usually organize these programs from spring to early autumn, preferably for Saturdays or Sundays to make sure that many people can join us.

Participants are requested to bring anything they can to help the animals there: food, medicine, flea control products, etc. During the morning, we help the shelters’ work by walking the dogs and in the afternoon the volunteers are free to decide their program, which, depending on the participants’ mood and the weather may be to go and get a vine spritzer and ‘lángos’ or even to go sunbathing.

Our partner:
Szentendrei Árvácska Animal Welfare Society and Animal Shelter

Follow the facebook page for Pacsi to stay informed of our events!


Charity Fest


A fesztivál a Budapest Bike Maffia egyedülálló kezdeményezése, amellyel a civil szervezetek munkájának fontosságára szeretné felhívni az érdeklődők figyelmet.

A fesztiválon fiatalok és idősek, családok és baráti társaságok is megtalálhatják a nekik megfelelő programot és adományozási lehetőséget. Koncertekkel, közös főzéssel, sportprogramokkal, gyermekprogramokkal, piknikezéssel és sok más szabadidős tevékenységgel várjuk a látogatókat és a segíteni vágyókat. A programon szívesen látunk civil szervezeteket és vállalati kitelepülőket is, hogy mind a látogatóknak, mind a vállalatoknak lehetőségük legyen számukra fontos ügyekkel, civil kezdeményezésekkel találkozni. Az eseményt 2018-ban Nagykovácsiban, 2019-ben a Dürlin Rendezvényházban és a Dürer Kertben rendeztük meg.

2019-ben a rendezvény bevételének teljes összegét három kiemelt civil szervezet között osztottuk szét: Bagázs Közhasznú Egyesület, Budapest Bike Maffia, Tetovált Állatmentők – Állatvédelmi Egyesület

A 2019-es fesztivál programját alább olvashatjátok, a 2020-as infókkal pedig hamarosan jelentkezünk.

2019. május 18., szombat


(XIV. kerület, Ajtósi Dürer sor 19-21.)


gyerekkoncertek, gyerekprogramok, sprortprogramok, főzőverseny, civil és vállalati kitelepülők, bringaszerelde, tetoválók





(XIV. kerület, Ajtósi Dürer sor 19-21.)


19.30 DELEY






DJ Titusz, DJ Palotai

A helyszín megközelíthető:

A 74-es / 75-ös trolibusszal vagy 979-es éjszakai buszjárattal a Zichy Géza utcai megállóig, illetve autóval. A parkolás az Ajtósi Dürer soron, illetve a rendezvényhelyszín háta mögött található Abonyi utcában ingyenes.


European Union Opportunities

Since 2016, we have been an accredited hosting organization for the  Erasmus+ program and have joined the European Solidarity Corps (ESC). The European Voluntary Service (EVS) is part of the European Solidarity Corps program supported by the European Commission.

The European Solidarity Corps program was set up by the European Union to give young people the opportunity to take part in voluntary or professional projects of public interest in their own or in foreign countries. The program is open to young people between the ages of 17 and 30, and participating in it is an excellent opportunity to learn languages, learn about other cultures, to become independent, and build international relationships. The program offers an adventure filled with plently of joyful and exciting days, as well as new challenges and many unexpected situations that its participants will need to learn to face.

Intercultural biking for helping – the project of Budapest Bike Maffia

Our project “Intercultural biking for helping” was implemented within the European Union Erasmus + program. From March 2018, for 9 months, foreign volunteers has helped and enriched our work within the project EVS. The volunteers: Ronja Bober, Ilona Lyytinen and Elizabeta Ružičić came from Germany, Finland and Croatia respectively. They took part in our projects and has enriched the work of Bike Maffia with their many ideas and their fresh approach.

In March 2019 our program was selected by the European Commission as a great example to present to the European Parliament. This has allowed us the opportunity to attend the European Youth Week in Brussels on 29-30 April 2019. In addition to being present at the event, we were given the chance to present our project in person to over 800 people during a plenary session.

The Team:
Ildikó Tóth – Project Manager

Coordinators and helpers of the „Intercultural biking for helping” project:
Zoltán Havasi, Rózsa Kiss, Ágnes Pakot, Andrea Pintér, Gábor Priksz, András Tóth 

Our volunteers:
Ronja Bober (Germany) 2018. March 5 – November 4.
Ilona Lyytinen (Finnland) 2018. March 4 – May 3.
Elizabeta Ružičić (Croatia) 2018. June 4 – December 3.

If you have any questions about the project or if you would like to join us, contact Ildi at!



Social Leisure Park

Homelessness is a condition; a situation that many people just fall into, either by their own fault or due to unforeseen circumstances. If it persist, it can significantly impair the mental health, social skills, and chances of workplace reintegration of the homeless person.

Our goal is to create space in a homeless shelter for community activities that can provide a more dignified, pleasant environment for the people living there. Joint activities strengthen the community and the social and coping abilities of their participants, provide motivation, energy, a sense of accomplishment, and raise the quality of life for the residents, which can contribute to the success of their reintegration into the majority society.

We are designing a community garden at the Táblás Street Shelter of BMSZKI (Budapest Methodological Centre of Social Policy and Its Institutions) where residents can relax, chat, garden or play sports. A ping pong table, a chess and card table, a petanque and tetherball court, outdoor cooking area, barbecue grill, and a foil tent for growing plants throughout the year will provide spots for relaxation, exercise and useful activities. (Plans may vary depending on their feasibility.)

The secondary purpose of the leisure park is to allow on-site CSR programs, team building trainings for employees of a company or organization to visit the shelter’s residents in their own living space if they wish to help or to organize a joint activity with them. We plan to host the Budapest Bike Maffia Teambuilding Project at this shelter, a venue where corporate volunteers and shelter residents can cook and grill together and get to know each other.

The Team:
Zsuzsa Mátraházi – Project Manage

If you have any questions about the project, contact Zsuzsa (at!

Photo by: Júlia Halász



MyBudapest Photo Project

Budapest is home to many of us. We have our favourite spots: a favorite bench on Margaret Island, the street we ride down every day, or the corner where we meet before a Friday night out. But how do people for whom these places are literally their home see the city?

In 2016, we have joined the team of the London-based Café Art and with their support we have launched the MyBudapest Photo Project – a photo competition for homeless people. With Fujifilm Hungary as our sponsor and with the help of our volunteers, we gave disposable cameras to the participants so through their photos they can show us the city the way they see it. From the entries, a jury of professionals selects 50 artworks that we exhibit at a public square, then the audience selects 12 + 1 pictures that will be featured in next years’ MyBudapest’s calendar, alongside with their creators’ stories.

By purchasing the calendar you support homeless creators – since the profits from the calendar’s sales go directly to the winners. In addition to providing them financial support, the competition offers its participants an opportunity to showcase their everyday lives, their talents, to experience the joy of creation and creativity, to gain attention and recognition, and find their way back into society. Last but not least: the project aims to provide a deeper insight into the world of homeless people, to raise awareness of homelessness and to reduce the stereotypes surrounding it.

Our partners:
BMSZKI (Budapest Methodological Centre of Social Policy and Its Institutions)
Hungarian Red Cross Budapest

A special thanks for their prominent support to:
Erika Gácsfalvi and Árpád Varga (Fujifilm Hungary Kft.),
The Council of Budapest VII.district Erzsébetváros
Fanni Jónás and Eszter Boros (Well PR Kft.),
Magenta-R Kft,
Gabriella Csoszó (photographer, activist, teacher),
Suelto Bistro,

And to the volunteers of Budapest Bike Maffia who ensure the project’s success by their administrative work, graphic design, and who support and document the event.

The Team:
Bernadett Fekete –  Project Manager
Hajnalka Merc – Distribution
Zsuzska Molnár – Project Coordinator

If you have any questions, contact Detti at the email address !

You do not have a Bike Maffia calendar yet? Visit our webshop or buy the calendar at any of the below venues!

Fian Koncept, Fiók, Fuga, Kiscelli Múzeumshop, Konfekció, Massolit Books & Café, MúzeumShop, Műcsarnok Art Box, NOS, Örkény Pont, Szimpla Design Shop. You can also pick up products ordered at MúzeumShop at free pick-up points (Hungarian National Gallery, Museum of Fine Arts, Vasarely Museum)

For news and events of the  MyBudapest Photo Project follow our Facebook page and Instagram!




With our joint project with Healthy Kitchen it is easy to donate hot meals to residents of homeless shelters and to those in need – with just a few clicks. All you have to do is register at and after ordering for yourself, by clicking on the basket you can add to your order one or even more (up to 10) portions for those in need.

Since the start of the project (in November 2019), just in the first month 5,673 servings of food have been ordered by the patrons of Healthy Kitchen, which is an astounding number – nearly 200 servings a day.

The donations are delivered every weekday and Saturday to shelters (Isola Night Shelter, Twist Oliver Foundation Warming Center), that would otherwise be unable to provide for their residents. It is also important to emphasize that these shelters are not only providing for homeless people, but also for residents of municipal flats in their vicinity, who often have to choose between heating their residence or eating. These donations are an tremedously great help to them.

We are grateful to Healthy Kitchen and to everyone who donates!

If you have any questions, contact us at !


Food Rescue

Through our Emergency Food Rescue project (, we save and distribute hot meals and food that is suitable for consumption to those in need. The donated meals are delivered by our volunteers with cars to social institutions, to homeless shelters or warming centers. Our activities aim to reduce starvation, raise awareness of collective social responsibility, and to promote environmental awareness. By reducing food waste, we are directly contributing to the fight against climate change as well. Emergency Food Rescue – beyond its importance at the domestic level – actually also serves global purposes. In 2015, the UN has set a collection of 17 global goals, three of which can be accomplished through our project: eradicating hunger, responsible consumption, and the protecton of our planet.

Where does the donated food go? Who gets is?

Donations are delivered to homeless shelters and warming centers by our volunteers with cars. The meals are then handed over to the institutions’ social workers who can distribute them properly among the residents.

What kinds of foods do we accept?

Hot meals, soups, sandwiches, savory and sweet pastries, baked goods, fruits, non-perishable foods.

IMPORTANT! Due to the potential health risks, we can only accept fresh food – prepared on the day – and only food that does not contain mayonnaise, mushrooms or raw eggs. It is also important tto note that we can only transport pre-packaged (ie boxed) food.

How many servings do we collect?

We come and collect from a minimum of 40-50 servings. Since the saved meals are transported to social institutions and these locations typically have 50 or more residents, we think it important that none of them should remain without donations.

You would donate food?

First you have to register at the Emergency Food Rescue website (, and fill out a form. After you have completed the form, we will get in touch with you shortly. 

The donation offers are emailed to our volunteers who will to let you know if they can take care of the delivery. After our volunteers collect the food, they transport it to the institution of your choice and confirm the successful delivery of your donations with a picture.

You would join us as a volunteer car driver / courier?
Fill out our FORM and we will contact you shortly.

The Team:
Dóra Szőke – Project Manager
Bea Beliczai – Project Coordinator

If you have any questions, contact Dóri at!

To donate food, please visit the website !



Our project is a community garden program that runs from early spring to autumn to help homeless residents get access to fresh, vitamin-rich, organic vegetables. At not just any old way, but by growing it themselves!

During the six months of the project, people living without a home can experience their work iterally bear fruit. Beyond the produce that they get to harvest, the program is important as a way of offering useful engagement for the residents of shelters; energizing and inspiring them, encouraging them to take up responsibilities, creating community and new goals.

A large number of volunteers join our project each year, and we need every help we can get. In the early spring, we distribute seeds among our volunteers to grow the seedlings in the warmth of their homes, protected from the cold nights. Our volunteer gardener provides our participants with the needful guidance throughout this stage of the project. Finally, the seedlings are planted in the gardens of shelters by the volunteers and the participating homeless people together. Planting the seedlings together is a great opportunity for volunteers and the shelters’ residents to meet, chat, and spend some time together. Volunteers get to know the day-to-day life of these institutions and learn about their residents’ environment. Taking care of the small gardens is the responsibility of the residents of the shelters. They are assisted in this by local social workers, and some shelters have even started a cooking club to accompany the project.

Our partners:
BMSZKI (Budapest Methodological Centre of Social Policy and Its Institutions) Shelter House Foundation
Hungarian Red Cross Budapest

A special thanks for their prominent support to:
Oázis Garden Center
Hartmann-Rico Magyarország Kft

The Team:
Betti Balassa – Project Manager, gardener

Viktória Takács – Project Coordinator

If you have any questions about the project, contact Betti at the email address!

As a volunteer you can join the project around early spring. For volunteer opportunities follow: Budapest Bike Maffia, or the page for Seeds4Hope on Facebook!

Photo by: Júlia Halász


Vitamin commando junior

Join our Commando Junior project and become the youngest volunteer!

Our program for school children has two modules. Module 1 starts with a 60-minute interactive session with a lot of practical information and the presentation of the work of Budapest Bike Maffia and the issue of homelessness.

Together with the kids we think of how we can best help those in need, why it makes sense to prepare sandwiches, what we put in the sandwiches, who will get them and how to get them to the people, how much money we need for this, etc. We are open to go shopping together with the kids.

In module 2 of the program the kids prepare and wrap the sandwiches. Kids above 10 years of age can even help deliver the prepared meals if they can cycle securely. For this they may join our Vitamin Commando volunteers. Module 2 can be organised as a separate event.

The Vitamin Commando Junior program goes upward from the third grade of elementary school until the twelfth grade. We adjust the presentation and the program to the participants’ age. The interactive presentation can be delivered as a single event, independent of the sandwich preparation module.

For further information please contact:
Nóra Posteiner


+1 Sandwich

In April of 2016 we have started our ‘+1 Sandwich – students for the needy’ project. The aim of of this project is to work together with students to help the lives of homeless people and the work of those day and night shelters who cannot provide enough food for their residents. Therefore, we ask students to once a week bring an extra sandwich to school. The food that we collect this way is then transported to homeless shelters by a courier

We think it important to show the power of the “many small streams will form a large river” principle, to show the power of unity. If enough people donate, even just one sandwich each could be enough to provide significant support to large groups of people in need. Thanks to the program, each month an average of 4,000 sandwiches, 60 kg of fruit, 40 kg of non-perishable food and occasionally soft drinks and toiletries are delivered to homeless people. About 35-40 school participate yearly in regular collection for our project and we are happy to report that thanks to our good reputation and successes, since 2019 not only primary and secondary schools, but also kindergartens, universities and companies have been joining in our efforts.

Our goals include sensitizing young people, keeping in touch with schools and promoting volunteering. We wish for the students, parents and educators participating in the +1 Sandwich project to become a strong, supportive community. To this end in 2017 we have started our +1XTRA Program wherein our volunteer speakers visit participating schools and hold interactive presentations discussing prejudice and homelessness and introducing the work of Bike Maffia.

The Team:
Éva Svébis – Project Manager
Péter Laki – Courier

If you have any questions or you would like to join our project, contact Éva ( at or fill out our FORM.


Schools in the school year 2018 – 2019

AKG Általános Iskola
Alternatív Közgazdasági Gimnázium (AKG)
Batthyány Lajos Ált. Isk.
Bethlen Gábor Általános Iskola és Gimnázium
Bethlen Gábor Általános Iskola és Gimnázium Kincskereső Tagiskolája
BMSZC Puskás Tivadar Távközlési Technikum Infokommunikációs Szakgimnáziuma
Budapesti Eötvös József Gimnázium
Budapesti Fazekas Mihály Gyakorló Általános Iskola és Gimnázium
Budapesti Gazdasági Szakképzési Centrum II. Rákóczi Ferenc Közgazdasági Szakgimnáziuma
Corvin Mátyás Gimnázium és Szakközépiskola
Csillagberek Waldorf Általános Iskola és AMI
Csillagház Általános Iskola
Derkovits Gyula Általános Iskola
ELTE Apáczai Csere János Gyakorlógimnázium
ELTE Pedagógia Kar
ELTE Radnóti Miklós Gyakorlóiskola
ELTE Trefort Ágoston Gyakorlóiskola
Gloriette Sportiskolai Általános Iskola
Gustave Eiffel Francia Óvoda, Általános Iskola és Gimnázium
Hegedüs Géza Ált. Isk
Herman Ottó Általános Iskola
Jedlik Ányos Gimnázium
Kempelen Farkas Gimnázium
Kőbányai Szent László Gimnázium
Közép-budai Waldorf Iskola
Közgazdasági Politechnikum Alternatív Gimnázium és Szakközépiskola
Lauder Javne Iskola
Leövey Klára Gimnázium
Óbudai Waldorf Gimnázium
Sashalmi Waldorf Iskola
Sashegyi Arany János Általános Iskola és Gimnázium
Semmelweis Egyetem, Budapesti Orvostanhallgatók Egyesülete
Process Solutions Kft.
Sylvester János Református Gimnázium
Toldy Ferenc Gimnázium
Újbudai József Attila Gimnázium
Városmajori Gimnázium
Veres Pálné Gimnázium
Vörösmarty Mihály Gimnázium
XIV. Kerületi Liszt Ferenc Általános Iskola
Zuglói Arany János Ált. Isk. és AMI

Schools in the school year 2017 – 2018

Batthyány Lajos Ált. Isk.
BMSZC Puskás Tivadar Távközlési Technikum Infokommunikációs Szakgimnáziuma
Budapesti Eötvös József Gimnázium
Budapesti Gazdasági Szakképzési Centrum II. Rákóczi Ferenc Közgazdasági Szakgimnáziuma
Csillagház Általános Iskola
Corvin Mátyás Gimnázium És Szakközépiskola
Derkovits Gyula Általános Iskola
Egressy Gábor Két Tanítási Nyelvű Szakgimnázium
ELTE Apáczai Csere János Gyakorlógimnázium
ELTE Radnóti Miklós Gyakorlóiskola
ELTE Trefort Ágoston Gyakorlóiskola
Gustave Eiffel French School of Budapest
Karinthy Frigyes Gimnázium
Kispesti Waldorf Óvoda, Általános Iskola, Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola És Gimnázium
Kőbányai Szent László Gimnázium
Közgazdasági Politechnikum Alternatív Gimnázium És Szakközépiskola
Leövey Klára Gimnázium
Óbudai Waldorf Gimnázium
Petőfi Sándor Gimnázium
Sylvester János Református Gimnázium
Toldy Ferenc Gimnázium
Újbudai József Attila Gimnázium
Városligeti Magyar-Angol Két Tanítási Általános Iskola
Városmajori Gimnázium
Veres Pálné Gimnázium
Vörösmarty Mihály Gimnázium
Zuglói Herman Ottó Tudásközpont Általános Iskola

Schools in the school year 2016 – 2017

AKG – Alternatív Közgazdasági Gimnázium
Batthyány Lajos Általános Iskola
BMSZC Neumann János Számítástechnikai Szakgimnáziuma
BMSZC Újpesti Két Tanítási Nyelvű Műszaki Szakgimnáziuma és Szakiskolája
Budapesti Eötvös József Gimnázium
Budapesti Fazekas Mihály Gyakorló Általános Iskola és Gimnázium
Budapesti Kölcsey Ferenc Gimnázium
Corvin Mátyás Gimnázium és Szakközépiskola
Csillagház Általános Iskola
Derkovits Gyula Általános Iskola
Dózsa György Gimnázium és Táncművészeti Szakgimnázium
Egressy Gábor Két Tanítási Nyelvű Szakgimnázium
ELTE Apáczai Csere János Gimnázium
ELTE Radnóti Miklós Gyakorlóiskola
ELTE Trefort Ágoston Gyakorló Gimnázium
Hengersor BGSZC Pestszentlőrinci Közgazdasági és Informatikai Szakgimnázium
Herman Ottó Általános Iskola
Hunfalvy János Szakgimnázium
Jedlik Ányos Gimnázium
Jókai Mór Általános Iskola
Karinthy Frigyes Gimnázium
Kispeti Waldorf Óvoda, Általános Iskola, Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola és Gimnázium
Közgazdasági Politechnikum Alternatív Gimnázium és Szakközépiskola
Kőbányai Szent László Gimnázium
Leövey Klára Gimnázium
Óbudai Waldorf Gimnázium
Petőfi Sándor Gimnázium
Sashegyi Arany János Általános Iskola és Gimnázium
Szigetszentmiklósi Középiskola
Szivárvány Gimnázium és Szakképző Iskola
Teleki Blanka Gimnázium
Toldy Ferenc Gimnázium
Újbudai József Attila Gimnázium
Városligeti Magyar-Angol Két Tanítási Általános Iskola
Városmajori Gimnázium
Veres Pálné Gimnázium
Vörösmarty Mihály Gimnázium

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